
Download TasmanQuest.3dsx
Version: 1.0.0 - Full Release
Last updated:


In this short, arcade-y game for your Nintendo 3DS explore the famous Lewiatan grocery store of Księżomierz and flex your tape-wrapping skills as the clock is ticking!

You play as Adam a.k.a. “Taśman”. You came to the local Lewiatan of Księżomierz to promote your brand - TAŚMAN™ Sealed. But it’s Kasia’s shift today and she won’t allow it! Wrap as many items in your duct tape and get back in Zakre’s Seiac before the guards catch you!


Most of the game assets come from LimeZu’s packs: Modern Interiors, Modern Exteriors, Modern UI, Serene Village Revamped

MIDI files used for soundtrack come from MuseScore:

Menu Music - Loch Lomond

Action Music - Break the Rules

Nintendo 3DS port of LÖVE - LÖVE Potion by TurtleP
