A tool to grab the Principal IDs of any Mario Kart 7 player you encounter.
3DS Virtual Controller for ViGEm
Call of Duty: Zombies demake, powered by various Quake sourceports. https://docs.nzp.gay/
A Super Hexagon Clone
LED color and pattern modifier for 3DS. Customize your notifications however you want !
A small program written with Citro2D to cycle common colours on the screen to check for dead pixels.
Nintendo 3DS "Custom Firmware"
A Virtual Boy emulator for the 3DS
mGBA Game Boy Advance Emulator
TJAPlayer for 3DS - Music game of the TJA file.
An editor/save manager for the Girls Mode/Girls Style/Style Savvy/Style Boutique games, on Nintendo 3DS
PSPident clone for 3DS
A new way to experience StreetPass
Diablo build for modern operating systems
Another work-in-progress fork of the homebrew YouTube client for the 3DS called ThirdTube
Beat-making audio sequencer and DJ-tool for the Nintendo 3DS
The full port of the SMBX engine from VB6 into C++ and SDL2, FreeImage and MixerX
Cross-platform, sophisticated frontend for the libretro API. Licensed GPLv3.
Take pictures of your favorite all-star video game characters, in glorious Horizon HD (800px mode)!
The base forwarder packs for use with Forwarder3-DS and NDSForwarder forwarders
open_agb_firm is a bare metal app for running GBA homebrew/games using the 3DS builtin GBA hardware.
Citrahold allows you to sync saves between Citra and your 3DS
Point-and-click adventure game engines
fMSX(MSX emulator) port to 3DS. Add many new feature such as MSXTurboR emulation and MSX0 emulation.
An easy to use app for installing and updating 3DS homebrew
StarCruiser7 is a first-person space combat simulator for the 3DS game console
FTP Server for 3DS/Switch
A polished cheat plugin for Mario Kart 7, now with anticheat!
Google Chrome T-Rex game clone that runs natively on the Nintendo 3DS
Dead Simple Eula Set
DS(i) mode screen filters and patches
A universally good TextEditor! :)
3DS homebrew app that allows you to read, write, and erase save files from NDS cartridges (2015-2016)
Custom Minecraft Classic / ClassiCube client written in C from scratch (formerly ClassicalSharp in C#)
A little application that allows you to paint some cool stuff on your 3DS
A web server made in C for the 3DS.
Burninate the countryside!
NDS/3DS fork/port of the uxn/Varvara virtual machine
A tool for broadcasting games from your console to a compatible 3DS emulator.
The wildest racing game since man invented the wheel!
A 3DS application that will give you tips for your gaming journey on your 3DS system.
An upgraded version of NTR with better streaming capabilities.
A theme and boot splash manager for the Nintendo 3DS console
A pong game for 3ds with Pokemon as main theme.
Gamestream client for the New 3DS
Patch for Nintendo consoles to remove the read-only check on amiibos and allow for rewritable Ntag215 NFC tags
Raptor Call Of The Shadows Console Ports from Reversed-engineered source code
The Pirate Launcher joke from the Wii, now on 3ds! Also provides debugging features
A simple application that calculates Pi
Use your 3DS as a vJoy controller for your PC
The 3DS Homebrew Menu (∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚
A Nintendo Zone Revival for the 3DS.
A 3DS game plugin (3GX) to dump the RMC communication between 3DS games and NEX. The traffic is dumped to the SD into pcap files.
Port of Super Kawai Breakup Sim for the Nintendo 3DS
Wii and 3DS ports of 3D Pinball - Space Cadet
Line for 3DS
Atari 8-bit computer and 5200 console emulator - Unofficial CIA release
Atari 8-bit computer and 5200 console emulator - 3DS port
Mars3DS, a lost retro shooter ;)
3DS homebrew that picks a random title to launch from your SD card
A Clone of Flappy-Bird for the 3ds.
SNES9x Port for 3DS / 2DS
A basic Snake clone for 3DS
Join Taśman in his quest to wrap everything in TAŚMAN Sealed duct tape!
Removes the camera shutter and high-pitched beep sound from the Nintendo 3DS (works on all 3ds apps that use the camera)
A free, single-player roguelike dungeon exploration game
PyMO AVG Game Engine implemention in C.
A CTRPF plugin for the Nintendo 3DS Pokémon games that supports both the 6th and 7th generations.
Mario Kart 7 semi-primary exploit for the Nintendo 3DS. NOTE: This is only meant to be used for installing CFW, please do not use unless following a guide.
Amiibo Emulation for 3ds
HID module rewrite(button remapping and more)
An open-source re-implementation of "Commander Keen in Goodbye Galaxy"
Visualisation of some sorting algorithms on the Nintendo 3DS
Flappy3DS is an Flappy Bird clone for 3DS
Save data copier between MK7 and CTGP-7
Generate and Install NDS Forwarders
Make OpenAI API calls directly from your Nintendo 3DS! Made with Lovebrew :)
You can play .mp4 file on your 3DS!
Port of the VICE C64 (x64) emulator to 3DS
BCSTM-Player for 3ds
Halo Renewed Solitude 3DS
Uninstall the stock TWL apps, to allow system to reinstall them from CDN
A C++ Minecraft Classic Client
Yet another nds-bootstrap forwarder. Runs from 3DS-mode!
Quake 2 port for Nintendo 3DS
Port of DaedalusX64 to the Nintendo 3DS
Port of Sonic 1 and 2 to the 3DS, based on Rubberduckycooly's Sonic 1/2 (2013) decompilation
Web Server for the 3DS
Sonic Mania (n3DS only)
OpenBOR is the ultimate 2D side scrolling engine for beat em' ups, shooters, and more!
A VNC viewer for Nintendo 3DS
Easy Boot9Strap Updater for the 3DS
Check b9s version and whatever else
Boot9/Boot11 code execution.
Animal Crossing NL Vapecord Public Plugin WIP
Copy save data between gamecard and digital versions of games on Nintendo 3DS
GodMode9 Explorer - A full access file browser for the Nintendo 3DS console :godmode:
Benchmark your 3DS battery
A clone of the mill game for Nintendo 3DS.
Omega 2.0, the next evolution of Epsilon! Now available for your Numworks calculator!
Miiverse clone framework, for 3DS and Wii U
3DS GameYob port, a [Super] Game Boy [Color] emulator for the Nintendo DS
Port of Sonic CD to the 3DS, based on Rubberduckycooly's Sonic CD decompilation
Open source title manager for the 3DS. (Archive)
Gui music player for the Nintendo 3DS (wip)
A Mario Kart game clone for the 3DS, made with the intention to mimic the feeling of a Mario Kart game using Mario Kart 7 as the inspiration
3DShell - (Pronounced 3D Shell) is a multi purpose file manager for the Nintendo 3DS. Heavily inspired by the CyanogenMod/LineageOS file manager.
CTGP-7 modpack for Mario Kart 7. More info: ctgp-7.github.io
Ein Ludo klon für den Nintendo 3DS.
3DS homebrew scientific calculator
ZeldaROTH 1.0.3 beta including Hungarian translation for this classic fan game, and was recompiled with actual libraries.
Modification of Craftus Reloaded
A second attempt at a homebrew Minecraft clone for 3DS
Generates fake tickets to make missing titles re-appear on 3DS.
"Nintendo 3DS" folder selector
Ein "Elfer raus!" klon für den Nintendo 3DS.
An unofficial Doki Doki Literature Club port to Lua for the PS Vita and other game consoles
Work in progress Animal Crossing: New Leaf save manager & editor for the Nintendo 3DS!
This is LeafEdit's Pattern Editor as a separate app as well!
A memory cardgame clone for Nintendo 3DS.
This app resets the democounter of the 3ds
Port of Chui's UAE4ALL Amiga 500 emulator to Nintendo 3DS
A demonstration of the 800px mode on 3DS consoles.
A Card game for Nintendo 3DS & DS(i)!
Dungeons of Daggorath for the 3DS
Remove parental save data (clearing parental lock and COPPA)
A Connect-Four clone for Nintendo 3DS.
JK's Save Manager for 3DS
A Pokemon Shiny Encounter Tool.
prboom for the 3ds
Homebrew alternative to Nintendo's dev unit software
A port of Xash3D-FWGS for the Nintendo 3DS
SmileBASIC File Manager
Makes your LED go rainbow.
Super simple custom badge homebrew for the 3DS home menu.
Port of Sonic Roboblast 2 to the Nintendo New3DS
A port of the game engine behind the DOS versions of Titus the Fox and Moktar
A mods manager for the 3DS, with fancy features and UI.
3DS SharedFontTool
An experimental open source friends app for the Nintendo 3DS.
Homebrew Launcher Loader - Dummy App
A 3ds homebrew game of Yahtzee, featuring multi-console multiplayer
Samus Returns: Amiibo Unlocker
This is a port of notaz's PicoDrive emulator to the old 3DS and old 2DS.
VirtuaNES a high compatibility NES emulator for your old 3DS or 2DS.
This is a port of Exophase's Temper (TurboGrafx/PC-Engine) emulator to the old 3DS and old 2DS.
34.2c3 POC
A tool for restoring and backing-up unique data on the Nintendo 3DS
screenshot merging tool for Nintendo 3DS
[ARCHIVE] PoC 3DS eBook Reader.
attempt at a wifi slots saving/restore/edit on 3ds
A 3DS port of the Hexagonal Iso-Path board game by youtuber pocket83 !
Text editor for the Nintendo 3DS console
An epub reader for the Nintendo3DS
[3DS] Fast PlayCoin
Boot9Strap payload switcher
Port to 3ds of the Zelda fan game Zelda Time to Triumph
Panel de Pon (Tetris Attack) clone for the 3ds.
T-Rekt for 3DS in C++
A monkey who wants to survive!
Random 3ds stuff that probably deserves its own repo
Halo Revamped 3DS
A Nintendo 3DS Homebrew application which allows the end user to freely change the (Raw) RTC of the system to bypass timegates.
A weather app for the 3DS
3DS Music Player
🍂 Displays various information about your Nintendo 3DS in pretty colors.
Is this good?
Neo Geo Pocket Color Emulator for 3DS
Cookie Clicker for Nintendo 3ds
Port of Zelda OLB on 3ds
Safe, simple, user-friendly installer for sighaxed FIRMs
Download files straight onto your 3ds!
Dsp firmware dumper
Front end to Luma3DS compatible locale system.
Small Game for 3DS in C++
A homebrew Legend of Zelda instrument player
Port to 3ds of Supertux v0.1.3 (Milestone 1)
Port to 3ds of the open source remake of Rick Dangerous
Port of 1010! to 3ds homebrew, made in C. It's like Tetris but with infinite time, you lose when you can no longer place any of the pieces you have available.
Port to 3DS of a nice Action RPG in SNES style originally written by Syn9 in FreeBASIC
Open Source SD Explorer for the 3DS.
Port to 3DS of the roguelike game POWDER
Hack your amiibos in a tap
Local play snake game for 3DS homebrew/cfw
Golden Pants for everyone!
A specialized save manager for AC:NL
A portable save editor for Animal Crossing: New Leaf on the Nintendo 3DS
A ticket cleaner for the Nintendo 3DS.
Port to 3DS of the Zelda style picross game by Vincent Joiullat
Simple graphing calculator for 3DS
a pyramidman's quest to save his father
A Ludum Dare #34 Game
RomFS file explorer and dumper for Nintendo 3DS titles
Port of quake for the Nintendo 3DS
A capture alignment assistant for 3ds capture cards and NTRviewer
Open Syobon Action (a.k.a Cat Mario) for 3DS
Rewrite of the EasyRPG 3DS Updater
Port of vgmstream for the nintendo 3ds along with a player
A Ludum Dare #33 Game
Port of Biniax2 on 3ds
A fixed-axis shooter with netplay
A Snake Clone for the Nintendo 3DS. Made with LövePotion.
Use your 3DS as a gamepad on linux
Port of Zelda ROTH on 3ds
Homebrew Notification Manager for the Nintendo 3DS
3DS Quick Reboot.
Unofficial port of EDuke32 for the Nintendo 3DS
CSPSP port for 3DS
Multiplayer drawing battle game for the Nintendo 3DS.
Falling Blocks Watch Out, a 3DS homebrew Tetris clone.
Temporarily suppresses the 3ds update nag.
Pokémon Dream Radar Savegame Editor for 3DS
Dodge and weave!